We are not planning on bringing this item back currently, but we'll let you know if that changes!
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Made from 100% Cotton, this red t-shirt reproduces (partially) the uniform worn by one Mon-El; trusted Superman ally charged with the protection of Metropolis while Superman dealt with the recently resurrected and surprisingly volatile Kryptonians on....New Krypton! Mon-El comes from Daxam; the biology of his race grants him the same powers as Kyrptonians when exposed to yellow sunlight. A brief, overly-abridged history-
Mon-El crash landed on Earth when Superman was a boy...they hit it off, Mon-El got lead poisoning (lead is like Kryptonite to a Daxamite); Superman had to stick him in the Phantom Zone since he couldn't cure him. Much Later, the Phantom Zone was collapsing; Superman had no choice but to free Mon-El. The Legion (hate these guys) left M.E. a cure to his poisoning from the future allowing Mon-El to function outside the cellular stasis of the Phantom Zone. Superman left Metropolis to deal with New Krypton. Mon-El agreed to protect Metropolis in Superman's stead. Cool T-Shirt.
More Details
- Product Brands:
- Superman
- Product Category:
- Clothing & Apparel,
- T-Shirts
- SKU: tssupmoneelsym