Shazam Classic Long Sleeve T-Shirt
We are not planning on bringing this item back currently, but we'll let you know if that changes!
We’ll let you know as soon as the item is back in stock!
Made from 100% Cotton, this red, long sleeve t-shirt features the yellow bolt symbol of....SHAZAM! He's got the wisdom of Solomon! The strength of Hercules! The...uh..additional strength of Atlas! The...uh.... twisting power of Zephyr! The...the....even more strength from Atlas! And the legal wizardry of Matlock! Yep, a teeny tiny little boy bellows this particular acronym until his teeth explode and then.....he becomes the world's mightiest mortal, Captain Marvel! Heck, you can just call him....SHAZAM! SO, here's a long sleeve shirt adorned with the very symbol adorning the very costume of one Captain Marvel. It's neato if you happen to like Shazam and dislike cooler weather. Perhaps.
More Details
- Product Brands:
- Shazam
- Product Category:
- Clothing & Apparel,
- Long Sleeve Shirts
- SKU: tslsshazam
Reviews of Shazam Classic Long Sleeve T-Shirt
I really like this shirt; in fact, I've worn it several times since I purchased it. At times I feel as if I am trying to become Captain Marvel himself. I try to remember how many times I say "Shazam!" per day while watching it.