Marvel Kawaii Seatbelt Belt
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What combines your love of Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, Incredible Hulk, Spiderman, and Wolverine with that of cute and seatbelt belts? The Marvel Kawaii Seatbelt Belt of course! Whoa, that seems oddly specific. I probably shouldn't have asked such a loaded question. Measuring around 44 inches long, the one size fits most Marvel Kawaii Seatbelt Belt is too much adorable.
More Details
- Product Brands:
- The Avengers
- Product Category:
- Clothing & Apparel,
- Belts
- SKU: beltmarvkawseat
Reviews of Marvel Kawaii Seatbelt Belt
These belts are great. I have a couple. Initially I thought they would feel pretty heavy but surprisingly they aren't. Love them.
I will have a hard time stopping my son from borrowing it
I love these belts so much i cheated on Batman with Marvel. (I am sure he would forgive me ;))
Central NJ
My only complaint is there's some difficulty adjusting the length.