Thor Helmed Head Button
$1.00 Reg.$2.99
We’ll let you know as soon as the item is back in stock!
Thor was the original front man for AC/DC! Bet you guys didn't know that. You can see his lingering effects on the band with their hit smash, 'Thunderstruck' which I am invariably sure will be used in the upcoming movie...over and over again. Probably will be used in 10 or 20 years when comics start playing music when you open them, much like a children's book. Every page will start up with that opening riff...THUNDAH....oooOOOOOOoooOO...THUNDAH and so on and so forth. We were thinking of implementing that feature on this 1.25 inch Thor Helmed Head Button but we don't want anybody to snap and go completely bonkers. Not yet anyways.
More Details
- Product Brands:
- Thor,
- The Avengers
- Product Category:
- Accessories,
- Buttons
- SKU: buttonthorheadhelm
- Note: This item is promotionally priced, additional discount codes cannot be applied.