Flash Graphic Web Belt
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Belts are important to wielders of DC Comics' Speed Force; an extra-dimensional energy source capable of time traveling, healing wounds, and generally moving fast. Why are they so important, you might ask. You know what happens when your pants fall below your waistline while traveling at 4 times the speed of light? Buttons may go careening off and cause major damage to the universe due to the speed and mass and all that fancy sciencey mumbo jumbo. You also look like a fool if you have to keep pulling up your pants. What better then to tighten your waistline than the Flash Graphic Web Belt? A military style web belt format, this Flash Graphic Web Belt is pretty much a one size fits all...as long as you get either adult or child! So I should say one size fits most all adults and one size fits almost all kids. Yeah...that'll work. Anywho, this Flash Graphic Web Belt shows off our well loved Scarlet Speedster, his logo, and several comic 'sound effects'. ZOOM ZOOM!!!!
More Details
- Product Brands:
- Flash
- Product Category:
- Clothing & Apparel,
- Belts
- SKU: beltflashboom
Reviews of Flash Graphic Web Belt
its sweet